Please read these guidelines and then download the application, below.

Grant Application Guidelines and Timeline

The Grant Review Committee generally looks for a variety of proposals from all grade levels and schools that:

  • Are consistent with the Windsor Board of Education district and school goals
  • Impact students with varying learning abilities
  • Fall outside the regular operating budget
  • Will ultimately impact/benefit a large number of individuals; in other words, the impact of the grant is not a one-time benefit to a single group of students, but may benefit additional students long term
  • Encourage professional collaboration
  • Promote school and community communication

Additionally, WEF partners with the Christine Gasparino Memorial Fund to award one $1,000 grant per year for a science-focused project or program.  Learn more about the Christine Gasparino Memorial Fund.

Eligible applicants for any grant include all certified staff in Windsor Public Schools. Applications from other staff members will be considered if they are working in partnership with certified staff.  Repeat applications will be considered for funding.

Grant Selection

The grant selection committee evaluates applications using the following criteria:

  • Are there specific goals outlined in the application, and are they clearly defined and realistic?
  • How innovative and/or creative is the project? Does it offer students a unique learning opportunity?
  • How does the project promote the advancement of skills or knowledge and add depth to the curriculum?
  • Will a significant number of students be impacted over the long term by the project? For example, can it be expanded to other grades or schools in the future? Will it encourage student participation? What is the sustainability of the project into the future?
  • Are there other sources available for funding?
  • How will the project be implemented and evaluated?
  • Is there a documented budget that conveys a clear understanding of the cost of materials, transportation, equipment and other items that the grant will cover?

The maximum amount awarded for a grant is $1,500 ($1,000 for the Christine Gasparino science grant). Allowable expenses include the purchase of professional and technical services, equipment, learning materials, supplies, and certain fees. Transportation is covered only at the discretion of the grant selection committee. 

Application Process

WEF appoints a liaison from Windsor Public Schools to its board as a non-voting member to assist with the grant making process. Our  liaison is: Taisha Serrano.  For help with grant applications, she can be reached at or 860-687-2030 ext. 3176.

Grant applicants must complete and submit an application form, including their building principal’s signature plus any desired supporting materials. Once the application is complete and submitted, it will be routed to the principal you designated for approval, then to WEF’s Windsor Public Schools liaison to be presented to the grant selection committee.

The grant selection committee will use a blind review process in evaluating each application. The committee will refer only to the grant applicant number. This will ensure integrity in the process and a bias-free evaluation.

Application Deadline 

Applications with principal’s signature must be submitted no later than October 1, 2024 at 5:00 pm.

Grant Awards

The grant selection committee will announce awards by the end of November, 2024.  If for any reason a grant recipient is unable to administer the approved project, the grant recipient will return all awarded funds to WEF.  The grant recipient may reapply during the next grant period.

Grant funds must be spent and any funded program must be complete by December 31, 2025. WEF’s Board of Directors may ask the grant recipient for periodic information, photos, testimonials, etc., to be shared with community members, education colleagues, and interested parties through newsletters, social media, press releases and community speaking engagements.

Grantees will be required to submit a brief written report on our website before the end of the year in which the grant was awarded, that describes how the project was carried out, what it accomplished for Windsor Public School students, and an overall evaluation of the project.